Unworked / Worked penetration

OELCHECK test instrument: | Petrotest PRN 10 |
Sample quantity: | approx. 5 g |
Unit: | 0.1 mm |
Test result: | penetration value determining the consistency class of a lubricating grease |
Analysis for: | lubricating greases |
Brief description: | A standardised cone penetrates a set quantity of grease. The penetration depth reached in 5 seconds, measured in 0.1 mm, indicates the penetration value. If the grease is very soft, the cone penetrates deeply and the penetration value is high. If the grease is harder, the cone penetrates less deeply and the penetration depth is lower. |
Statement: | The consistency of a grease impacts its hardness (plasticity). The consistency classification spans the NLGI classes 000 (very soft, almost fluid) to 6 (solid). NLGI stands for National Lubricating Grease Institute, an American institution whose work focuses on technical requirements for greases. The higher the penetration depth of the test cone, the higher the penetration value, and, accordingly, the softer the lubricating grease and the lower the consistency class in accordance with NLGI. |
Underlying test standard: | DIN ISO 2137, ASTM D1403 |
Alternative methods: | ASTM D217: use of a full cone (In ASTM D1403, a quarter-sized cone is used.) |